Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marchosias or Wolf Wraith?

Can't decide if this should be a really dangerous wolf wraith or a post transformation Marcosias. Either way, one of the pieces I will be presenting to my Special Studies class next week.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Awesome Props!

Got some prop compilations for anyone who cares to see them. I am always taking commissions, so if you have anything you would like made feel free to ask!


Check out these sketches from last year! Just click on the image, then right click on the image that pops up and select "view image".

Commissions! New Site! Illustrations!

Alright, now that thepropsshop.com is up and operational, I have a reliable computer and printer, and can set aside the time every so often, I will be updating this blog much more frequently! Make sure to visit The Props Shop to see my illustration and prop work (not to mention to make a commission!)

While I'm at it, here are some illustrations I neglected to post here from last year!